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  • Polly

    It is really nice. Not too complicated but nor too simple. The boss looks real funny and the conversations are pretty interesting too.

  • Peter

    It is definitely the best, especialy if you like the game Diabllo 1 and 2. It kicks most of the games which got 100%!

  • Beth

    I am a big Zelda fan. I love all the Zelda games. A friend of mine showed me this game, it is awesome!

  • Luke

    It had good graphics. It was a bit boring. It has nice music but a few glitches.

  • Owen

    This the greatest RPG out there and it's really funny. Duck slaying is fun!

  • Dink

    "I am quite addicted adventure games and this was one was a special"

  • Eec

    This game is great! I played it for 6 hours non stop. Very nice!

  • Furion

    Wow! This game is awesome, everybody download this right away!

  • Somebody

    This game is cool. Its a very large game and very funny.

  • Sanyu

    Cheap and lousy game. It sucks to the core.