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  • Acidic's picture

    To tell you the truth I hate games like Pendulumania. The problem is I become completely addicted and can only stop playing them when I delete them from my hard drive.

    You control a small ring with your mouse. Attached to this ring by some string is a ball. What you have to do is swing this ball around and destroy targets. If the string becomes over extended it breaks and your game is over. The trick is to break as many targets in a row as possible these combos give you more score, you also score more if the string is extended when it breaks the target.

    Basically you find yourself swinging the ball around as fast as possible making sure the string is extended when it hits a target but not so extended that it breaks. This is even trickier than it sounds and makes for some awesome gameplay.

    From a gaming point of view of view Pendulumania is excellent however if you wish to continue a normal life I suggest you don’t download it.

  • Speedy

    Like Acidic said in his review, it is VERY addictive. There are many ranks you can get and I still haven\'t discovered them all. It\'s a very difficult game to master, and it takes time. It is a unique experience unlike anything else I\'ve played. The graphics are not amazing, but gameplay definitely makes up for it. The sound is well-chosen and it makes each round more intense. It is very stable and I haven\'t gotten it to crash nor have I found a bug.