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  • Chelli

    This game is a lot like the real Mario, with a clear picture and adjustable controls, making the game easy to play. The levels themselves get more and more challenging, but not to the point where one would get frustrated and freak out at the game. Anyways, to whoever made it: Good job and thank you for making this game free and available for public use!

  • CamCam

    This is by far the best game I have ever played! The thing that would make it better would be the "fox" power-up but that doesn't affect how great this game is.

    Every other Mario game I have downloaded I would rate unplayable compared to this one. The new powerups and bonuses make it "wow" haha.

    Buziol Games are legends! Excellent!

    CamCam (Moefish)

  • Toby Vaudrey

    I know one of the guys who are part of Buziol games and he gave me Mario Forever today. I loved it!

    There is a new one out but not released and I'm not giving it away - but this is just fantastic! I just didn't have time to complete it! It was very, very clever how they altered it a tiny bit to make it their own..

    I never want Buziol to stop!

  • John

    I downloaded just about every Mario replica on the internet, but none came to level of Mario Forever. I've been addicted for the past few months, but am unable to beat level 2-4.

    At the end there is a long jump to end the level, and no matter how many times I try it, I can't make it. There is a spring at the edge, but it doesn't seem to help.

  • Anonymous

    The people turn to terrorism more now. These kind of "Harmless"
    Games can help the students develop their mind in such a way
    that overcoming hurdles. Some games uses knives and guns which should be avoided. I am a fan of Mario game right from my childhood.

    Thanks for developers. Female kids will love this game at most.


  • Mariofan

    This games graphics are excellent for a freeware game. The music is a mix between Super Mario Bros and Super Mario World.

    But it has some major and inexcusable flaws. For example there's no gamepad support!. The other problem which is even worse, is in the underwater levels where Mario cant swim. All he can do is walk normally.

  • Anonymous

    this game is very super i hope u will release this types of good games for ever and ever hope my blessings are with u for ever and ever our whole indians blessings are with u my dear frnd

  • Alex

    Mario forever is one of the best Mario remakes I've ever played. (Only Mario remake I've played, but it's a good game to start with).

    My only Problem I had was with flower power, I couldn't find the button to shoot.

    Anyway, other than that the game is a blast. I think it should have a rating of 94%.

  • William Parr

    My brother recently passed away at age of 33, and I remembered playing Super Mario games in its original form on old Nintendo way back in 1989. Thank you, author and Acid-Play for making this a free game to enable me to play and remember my brother. hank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

  • Zardokk

    This game is absolutely the best Mario remake of all time. It is so much fun, the feel of the game is a little bit different, but it is still great! The graphics have been greatly improved when compared to the original NES Mario game (which it seems this game is based on).

    I love this game!