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  • Gohst

    1Key CaveShip is a simple game where the object is to fly through various dangerous caves in a little space ship. There’s no baddies and you have no guns, but this game is not as easy as its cracked up to be.

    You can only control the ship in one direction: up. It’s automatically headed forward and is constantly headed for the ground. Your mission is to guide it up out of danger when it is headed for a collision. Or you can use the constant decline of the ship to avoid spiky roof top danger.

    The lay out is simple, and effective and the execution is fair, and for what it is, this game really hits the nail on the head. You are given the opportunity of selecting from 12 included missions, some of which are very, very difficult and highest scores are kept for each, which will keep you playing for a while.

    A word of warning though, one level contains scantily clad anime women, so if you’re a little bit sensitive you might want to be careful.