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  • Gohst

    SuperPac is still yet another Pac-man game where Pac-man is stuck in a maze and there are ghosts chasing him and the only way out is to eat the pills.

    The graphics in this game, while arguably better than the original, are for the most part only adequate by today’s standards. This is not to say they are bad, just merely not exactly too exciting.

    The game play is a bit different to the original Pac-man because, most noticeably, the pills aren’t in a straight line. They’re spaced out around the map. This can be a little confusing at times. Though it’s not as confusing as the dead-ends. Some pills are tucked in around corners and some Power Pills are right in the corner. You can’t escape if you’re being chased by a ghost. This would be alright if you could turn and eat them after getting the Power Pill but unfortunately some of the pills (which seem like a good idea) are bonus pills, some give you speed for example. While this is good, charging at a ghost doesn’t make it go away.

    The music, on the upside is catchy and fun and adds a cool atmosphere to the game while the sound effects are very suited to the mood too. The “hallelujah” is particularly memorable.

    So in all it’s a Pac-man game which may or may not excite you, the only way to find out is to give it a try and for a fairly small download there isn’t much to lose.

  • Shlok

    Download it.