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  • Gohst

    As far as I can tell in this cool little Spanish game, you’re an ugly troll called Vampirako and you’ve got to go to a big castle to destroy Rey Vampiro before he puts into action his terrible plan to destroy all the Vampire’s.

    The game is very much like Mario condensed. There is the desert levels and castle levels and a few little nuances which will bring back memories of Mario, though it is not a complete clone with a paint job. A few things are different, for example the dash when he gets up to speed and the ability to turn into a vampire.

    Vampirako can, indeed, turn into a bat on occasion, when a white urn is nearby. Then he can fly about the level. Though it does have it's drawbacks as well as it's advantages. For example, you can’t shoot when you’re a bat. Though you can avoid some types of monsters. Striking a balance is interesting and it’s fun to work out when to change and when not to.

    Along the way there are a few little bonus levels to make the game a little more interesting, such as riding a donkey through the desert and jumping cacti (which, alone, is worth downloading the game to see), along with a few other little distractions.

    The game is really fun on the whole and is suitable for people of all ages. There is really no reason to avoid this game as it is simple, fun and exciting all at the same time.

  • Granny

    I love playing this. It has excellent gameplay and I can get to the end. I have played it many times. The keys are smooth and the graphics very good. I wish the author - whom I cannot trace - would create a sequel. Thanks, whoever you are for creating this game.