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  • Gohst

    Remember TetriAttack 100% and TetriBattle3 100% that were reviewed here a few months ago? Well, would you believe that this game is from the same company? Amazing, isn't it?

    Anyway, strange additions to the title of games aside, this is an educational puzzler. As blocks fall from the sky, you'll notice they have letters on them. As they collect at the bottom of the screen, you use them to make words, thereby destroying those blocks and freeing up some space for others to fall.

    Two fortunate things about this game: you don't have to arrange the blocks into words as they fall, you simply click letters to make words at the bottom of the screen. The other fortunate thing is, you can use swear words! Yes, the only thing that makes games of this type any fun for us older kids is to put in different words for genitalia to see if it accepts it.

    Apart from that, it is unfortunatly a bit slow and the methods of clearing blocks seems to be a bit too easy for too long. Also, is it just me, or is there a real lack of "N"s in this game?